The "Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Series", which consists of 12 volumes of textbooks written in Japanese, has been the best seller books of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers (JASNAOE) since its publication in 2013. For the sake of non-Japanese foreign students and engineers, English version of the series has been long awaited and finally several volumes of the series have now been released in English.
The series of these books is well suited for fundamental study of ships and offshore structures concerning the stability, resistance, propulsion, dynamic performance, structural strength, manufacturing, and so forth. Three textbooks (series 1, 6, 7) were released first and now secondly two textbooks (series 2, 3) have been added in the English series publication.
This book, which is the first of the series, summarizes the fundamentals in naval architecture, such as hull geometry, hydrostatics and stability that any engineer engaged in shipbuilding must be familiar with. It is hoped that this book is found useful first book for learning about ships and shipbuilding techniques. Contents of this book are as follows.
This book aims at providing basic knowledge of resistance and propulsion for undergraduate and graduate students and people in the maritime industry who are involved in the performance design and basic design of ships. This book additionally contains basic descriptions for important concepts as a "Note" and "Exercise" to aid understanding the concepts. The "Feature" corners give some information that may be useful and interesting for readers.
The ship maneuvering includes various motions such as straight moving with acceleration/deceleration, stopping with propeller reversing, course changing by steering, turning with large rudder angle, and zig-zag maneuver, etc. This book deals with most of them except for birthing in a harbor. The effect of external forces from wind and current cannot be neglected. In ship maneuverability the ship hull is usually treated as a rigid body and external forces in the equation of motions are estimated from hydrodynamic force components acting on the ship hull, propeller and rudder.
This book summarizes basic topics related to the hull structure and strength evaluation of a ship. It should serve as a foundation for those involved in the structural design and strength evaluation of a ship as well as students of ship engineering. Although the focus is on ships, many of the topics are applicable to floating structures in general including offshore structures. It is hoped that this book will help deepen the reader's understanding of the structure and strength of ships. Contents of this book are as follows.
In this Part 2 Design load, local strength, and hull girder ultimate strength, the authors first detail the statistical prediction methods for the loads and structural responses that are required for the strength evaluation in structural failure modes, and then explain the properties of some representative local and global structural strengths and their strength evaluation methods.
This book consists of four parts:
Ship construction is a complicated process that demands careful planning and advanced manufacturing technologies. This book addresses various aspects of the construction process, from production design to work methods. It also covers the planning and optimization of ship construction processes that enable timely decision-making.
The price of the books varies from ¥3,400 (series 3) to ¥4,200 (series 9) without tax and postage. You may use the order-form to purchase and send it to JASNAOE, then you can save VAT and postage cost (domestic).