ホーム > メールニュース > 西部支部メールマガジン第76号 > How the opportunity to study abro...


How the opportunity to study abroad literally upside-down my life and changed my way to see the world.

九州大学大学院工学府都市環境システム工学専攻博士後期課程 Tiago Novaes Mathias

From Brazil to Japan, 17 thousand km between a dream and making that come true.
From Brazil to Japan,17 thousand km
between a dream and making that come true.


PhD student in Kyushu University - Japan. Master's degree in Logistics Systems in University of São Paulo - Brazil and Specialist in Logistic and Supply Chain Management in Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT-USA. Bachelor's degree in Computing Systems - Brazil.

From Brazil to Japan, just the other corner of the world. I am supposed to write about life in Kyushu University, but how to do so without a brief telling where I have been through. I spent a few years working for industries soon after college, for a while everything was just fine, but then the thoughts and the desire to become something more, someone better stated to fill my mind. Hence, I decided to face a Master's Degree in one of the best Universities in Latin America.

At this point all changes in my life started, with masters I had my very first opportunity to experience studying life in another country, a short course specialization in Boston - MIT for a couple of months. At the end of my masters I was attending a conference in Uruguay and a professor argued me about why not doing a PhD abroad? This is the beginning of my Kyushu journey.

So far It is being only a few months living in Ito Campus at Kyushu University and the experience could not be any better. I would say It is quite easy living in this place, abundant nature like mountains, the ocean is just at the corner, hot springs are easily accessible and food is great.

The studying routine is what I expected, all Professors are the best in their research fields. Even though seems intimidating, every lectures we attend is interesting and at the end I am wondering why time goes so fast.

Although overall it is good living in campus, I am still a foreigner in a completely different culture. My culture is totally opposite from Japanese, people in Japan are known by their introverted personality, but knowing that and living that are different things. Everyone is helpful and try their best to understand your needs, especially when you do not speak their language, which is my case. Japanese people have their own sense of friendship, sometimes you will feel lonely, but you are going to go through and eventually how to behave all over again, however it is a matter of take this opportunity to become independent and mentally stronger.

There are some real challenges when studying abroad, yet overcoming the hard time will surely be the most precious experience. And after all, there is no barrier that can hold a learning spirit and no better place to be but Kyushu University.

Tiago Novaes Mathias

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