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Paper Registration

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Full paper registrarion

Manuscripts for presentation and publication be submitted to

Prof. Yusuke Tahara, Chair of International Program Committee,
Osaka Prefecture University,

Manuscripts Manuscripts must be prepared in English and must consist of: title, full names of all authors, affiliation(s), abstract, keywords, list of symbols(if necessary), text, reference, tables and figures. Manuscript should be prepared on one side of A4 paper with two columns, single line spacing and 2cm margins on all four sides. The complete manuscript along with any electronic version of the manuscript including figures and tables should be supplied by e-mail to the Society
A name of an author to which all correspondence or proofs are to be forwarded must be shown clearly therein along with complete address, fax number and e-mail address.
Abstract Abstract not exceeding 200 words and informative of the purpose, methods, results, and conclusions should be present.
Less than five Keywords must follow the abstract.
References References should be listed in alphabetical order. Unpublished results and personal communications should not be accounted for in the list. Provide the names of authors and inclusive page numbers for all references. References should be cited in the text with names and year written inside parentheses, e.g., "(Newman 1976)" and "(Hong and Lee 1999)" or with the year inside parentheses when names appear explicitly in the text, e.g., "by Vassalos et al(1995)".

Hong, D.C. and C.S. Lee. 1999. A B-Spline Higher Order Panel Method Applied to the Radiation Wave Problem. J. of Ship and Ocean Technology, 3, 4, 1-14.
Newman, J.N. 1976. Marine Hydrodynamics. The MIT Press, Cambridge, 328-385.
Vassalos, D., S.H. Park and B.S. Lee. 1995. Developing a Maneuvering Design Capability for Naval Vessels. Proc. PRADS'95, Seoul, 1.616-1.628.
Figures and tables Figures and tables should be numbered sequentially in the order cited in the text and legends of the figures must be placed at proper locations in the text. Photographs and shade drawings should be provided in glossy prints. Figures should be suitable for direct photocopying and fitted into a single column(80mm). Footnotes may follow tables for further information.
Length of articles Length of articles should not exceed ten(10) printed pages in length.
The figures and tables are also to be accounted for.
Template for
the manuscript
Template for the manuscript in MS Word format may be downloaded from the Conference's homepage
Word File [56KB]
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