Recommendation to submit paper by camera-ready manuscript

The society would recommend the authors to submit their paper using a camera-ready manuscript. How to submit is described in the following. The transaction of the new society, i.e., the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, adopts the sheet size A4, although the former society, i.e., the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, adopted the size B5.

Paper Submission Using Camera-Ready Manuscript Recommended

1. Paper Submission Fee

The paper submission fees are shown below in case when the author submit the paper by using camera-ready manuscript. The fees are discounted in comparison with the former manuscript style, which would cost more to make the printing plate.

Page Typed or Hand Written
Up to 5 pages 20,000 Yen 15,000 Yen
6 pages 30,000 Yen 23,000 Yen
7 pages 40,000 Yen 31,000 Yen
1 page more than 8 pages 20,000 Yen 18,000 Yen
2. Template for Making Camera-Ready Manuscript

The templates for Microsoft Word and Tex are available here for assisting to make a camera-ready manuscript.

  • Please click FAQ page first when you encounter any trouble on the manuscript templates.
  • In case you are unable to download, e-mail to us. The you will get an e-mail attached file or post delivered floppy disk.

The use of other software than Word or Tex would be requested to conform with the instruction, "The Instruction for making manuscript of the paper of the Transaction of Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers" to appear in due course.

3. Contact Us on This Item

Post Code 105-0012
Administrative Office, Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
Hamamatsu-Cho Yazaki White Build. 2-12-9, Shiba Daimon, Minato-Ku, Tokyo
TEL 03-3438-2014, 2015
FAX 03-3438-2016

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Template support center for manuscript making

Name Medical Computer Service
Supporting items Downloading files in web-site
WORD instruction including Math. Input
For math. expression several samples are to be prepared.
Questions on the use of templates
Supporting hours 9:00-12:00 / 13:00-17:00
Excluding Sat./Sun./Holidays and Dec.28-Jan.4
Contact TEL (042)993-2444
FAX (042)993-2365

FAQ about how to use the templates

Q. I have downloaded the newest version of WORD Template. When I try to execute the macro command "additem" , an error message "Macro is not ready to be available." comes out, and the additem macro is unable to execute.

A. WORD in Office 2000 sets security levels on the macro commands. There are 3 categories, High, Middle, and Low, in the security level at the Tool/Macro/Security Button in the Pull-Down Menu of WORD. The High security category makes the macro command unavailable. You have to select Middle or Low security level button.
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